Bitaxe Touch Ultra
Bitaxe Touch Ultra is an open-source bitcoin miner based on the BM1366 ASIC from the S19XP Antminer. You can find the source code for the original Bitaxe project here. We have modified the original design to add a touch screen LCD and a 3D-printed case.
This is a pre-order with units expected to ship within 2-3 weeks of ordering. We will communicate status updates via email. This first run is meant for enthusiasts and we are looking for feedback. All code for the Bitaxe Touch Ultra by ACS is open sourced here. Issues can be reported here
The status bar features the following data points:
- Bitcoin price via API (refreshed every minute)
- Power - Voltage and total watts
- Hash - Current hashrate (GH/s) and efficiency (W/TH)
- Temperature - Current temp in celsius
- Home - Displays time, day of week, and date
- Mining - Displays hash rate graph, stratum URL, pool difficulty, and reject rate
- Device - Displays network, power, mining, and monitoring data
- News - Displays latest headlines from Bitcoin Network API
Hash Rate
~420-450 GH/s
Power Consumption
Default Frequency
Operating Temperature
- Model
- Bitaxe Ultra
- PCBVersion
- 204 (Modified)
- BM1366
- Algorithm
- SHA256
- Coins
- 4.3inch Capacitive Touch Display 800x480
- PCB Model 204
- BM1366 ASIC from S19XP
- ESP320 SOC
- Ice Tower CPU Cooling Fan V2.0